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Seeing Long Distances
From Bloomingpedia
Due to the hill laden terrain around Bloomington, there are many points from which you can see a building, structure or other hill from long distances. This page documents some of the more interesting vantage points. To qualify for this article, a vantage point must be publically accessable or be accessable for a nominal fee. Also, try to limit this to vantage points allowing you to see objects more than a mile away.
- A good place to see the night glow of the city from a distance is on N. Maple Grove Road just south of the intersection of N. Maple Grove Road and W. Maple Grove Road. During the day, it is also possible to see the Memorial Stadium, Herman B Wells Library (5 miles) and a few other buildings.
- Old Highway 37 going south near Griffy Lake - After passing Bethel Lane you will go up a hill and from the crest of this hill going down about 1/4 mile you can see a large blue dome in the distance. This is the Monroe Street Water Tower near Tri-North Middle School. The tower is 3.02 miles from this vantage point.<googlemap type="map" lat="39.20000" lon="-86.53000" zoom="12" controls="small" width="300" height="250">
39.17565,-86.54715,Monroe Street Water Tower 39.21473,-86.52192,Vantage Point </googlemap>
- The Indiana University Memorial Union tower - From the stairwell near the top, you can see through the glass windows across the Bloomington skyline. The William Lowe Bryan room on the 8th floor is sometimes unlocked, providing views in more directions.

From the Walnut Center Parking Garage
- The Walnut Center Parking Garage - at the top level, you have an unubstructed view of the Monroe County Courthouse and South Walnut Street extending for miles.
- Ballantine Hall has a sundeck that can provide a nice view as it is one of the tallest buildings on the central campus, however access has been restricted for several years as it was a popular place for suicide jumpers.
- The Herman B Wells Library, located at 10th Street and Jordan Avenue, is often used as a photography platform for the surrounding campus, however access is restricted.

The Wells Library as seen from the Metz Carillon prior to the carillon's renovation and relocation in 2019
- The Metz Carillon, located near north Jordan Avenue and 17th Street, is a tall bell tower on a hill and commands a view across campus. Access to the tower is restricted.
- The Eigenmann Hall sundeck sits where the 15th floor would be and commands a nice view across campus. This was accessable in the past, current access is not confirmed.
- Bloomington's tallest buildings can be viewed from the Fire Tower.