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Printpack, Inc.

From Bloomingpedia

Printpack is an Atlanta based packaging company. In 2001 they purchased Independent Packaging, a bread bag maker located at 303 N. Curry Pike. Independent had been the nation's third largest manufacturer of flexible film packaging for the wholesale bakery business. At the time, the Bloomington plant employed 160, but the company headquarters was in Dallas. The plant was sold to Printpack in 2003 at a price of $1.4 million.

In 2009 the company announced plans to close its Bloomington plant but simultaneously requested tax breaks from the county to build a new $50 million plant on Vernal Pike. The county planned to grant $2.8 million in tax abatements, with the following restrictions:

  • Printpack must employ 140 people to keep the full abatement.
  • If in any year it employs fewer than 140 people it must refund the greater of $200,000 or that year’s abatement.
  • If in any year it employs fewer than 75 people, it must refund its entire abatement.