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Aerial Photography
From Bloomingpedia

Mosaic of Monroe County
There are a wide variety of Aerial Photographs and Orthophotographs of Bloomington, Monroe County and the rest of Indiana. This page provides information about those resources
Indiana University GIS Services
Monroe County Geographic Information System
- (plug-in required)
City of Bloomington Geographic Information System
- Online GIS: (Includes 2005/2006 orthophotos. Accessible in Firefox and IE. No plugin required.)
- Map Gallery:
Bloomingpedia's own processed images
The following images are available:
These images are processed from the 2005 Indiana Orthophotography.
Warning: Some of these files are very large high resolution images. Please take this into consideration before downloading them and be considerate of the bandwidth you use. You may also have trouble loading these images as some of them are more than 8000x8000 pixels in size, which can be very memory intensive.
- Comparison of IU GIS data with current Google Maps satellite imagery
- Bloomington 10x10 tile mosaic
- 5000x5000 pixels (4.6MB image)

Mosaic of Bloomington
- Monroe County mosaic (837 tiles)
- Monroe County labeled tiles (837 tiles)
Other aerial/satellite sources
- - (Also Google Earth) Satellite imagery, currently showing data from early spring of 2006. Previously was showing data from before 2004.
- Also, Google recently went to Indianapolis to take Street View images and one of the surrounding cities it drove through and added to Street View is Bloomington. The current images seem to be from multiple dates. At least some of them are from Summer of 2007 and they added them to their site in the winter of 2007/2008. You can see these images by zooming in on Bloomington on and clicking on the "Street View" button.